
Its population (about 400,000) and size make it the second largest city in the Czech Republic, located at the confluence of the Svitava and Svratka rivers. Brno is the natural center of southern Moravia and the capital of the South Moravia Region. MORE ...

Brno - emblem of the cityIt is the center of commerce and industry on a European scale as well and also serves as the seat of the supreme authorities of the Czech justice system – the Constitutional and Supreme Court of the Czech Republic are both located here. It's connected with the world via the Brno International Airport. The city boasts 11 faculties in 26 universities and colleges.

So much for the data. We, however, are interested in how life is here, and whether Brno is worth visiting. When we take a closer look, we see that the city has a very advantageous location – it's surrounded and protected on three sides by hills, while only the sunny southern side opens up towards the fertile lowlands of South Moravia. This must have already been well known by people in prehistoric times, since evidence of the first settlement of this location goes back 700,000 years (shown by the discovery of a hand-hewn stone on Red Hill). Today's Brno, however, is not merely a city of monuments and reminders of the (mostly) Gothic and Baroque, nor of simply historical and modern architectural treasures (one of the three most famous functionalist villas in the world is located here), but most of all, it's a great place to live. The proof of this is the local inhabitants themselves – warm people with a specific and unmistakable sense of humor. They even have their own specific slang. In short, people who are able to make fun of themselves.

And even though (as you'll soon discover in this guide) there's a lot to see in Brno, each sight more interesting than the next, you can still pass through the historic center in a few hours. So you'll be left with plenty of time to be simply enjoy yourself. And you can be sure that there are plenty of ways how..

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Do sports with us

Do sports with us

Date of the event:
1.1.2024 - 1.1.2025
Bohemia and Moravia
Groove Brno, Brno

Groove Brno, Brno

International jazz festival runs since 2008, regurarly held on Brno venues during October – November. Each year has its own theme (e.g. Big band golden era come back, Jazz through all generations, Jazz architects or Jazz voices – as last year).
Date of the event:
15.2.2024 - 24.10.2024
Metro Music Bar, Poštovská 6 + Sono Centrum, Veveří 113, Brno
Léto na Biskupském dvoře, Brno

Léto na Biskupském dvoře, Brno

Date of the event:
8.6.2024 - 28.7.2024
Biskupský dvůr, Muzejní 298/1, Brno
Letní scéna Divadla Bolka Polívky, Brno - Slavkov - Mikulov

Letní scéna Divadla Bolka Polívky, Brno - Slavkov - Mikulov

Date of the event:
17.6.2024 - 10.8.2024
Amfiteátr, Kraví Hora, Brno - Zámek, Slavkov - Amfiteátr, Mikulov
Uprostřed Festival, Brno

Uprostřed Festival, Brno

Date of the event:
21.6.2024 - 21.8.2024
Moravské náměstí, park - Denisovy sady - Stará radnice - Římské náměstí, Brno
Summer Shakespeare Festival, Brno

Summer Shakespeare Festival, Brno

Summer Shakespeare Festival introducing on the open-air productions of William Shakespeare is the biggest and oldest festival of this kind in Europe.
Date of the event:
13.7.2024 - 7.8.2024
Hrad Špilberk, Špilberk 210/1, Brno
Pop Messe, Brno

Pop Messe, Brno

Date of the event:
25.7.2024 - 27.7.2024
BVV - Brněnské výstaviště, Výstaviště 1, Brno
Brasil Fest, Brno

Brasil Fest, Brno

Date of the event:
1.8.2024 - 4.8.2024
Maraton hudby, Brno

Maraton hudby, Brno

Multigenre Music Festival
Date of the event:
8.8.2024 - 11.8.2024
Vavřinecké hody, Brno - Komín

Vavřinecké hody, Brno - Komín

Date of the event:
10.8.2024 - 11.8.2024
Areál ZŠ Pastviny, Brno - Komín
International music festival Špilberk

International music festival Špilberk

Date of the event:
18.8.2024 - 25.8.2024
Castle Špilberk, Brno
Beer Festival, Brno

Beer Festival, Brno

Date of the event:
6.9.2024 - 7.9.2024
Náměstí Svobody, Brno
Den Starobrna, Brno

Den Starobrna, Brno

Music Beer Festival
Date of the event:
14.9.2024 14:00
Pivovar Starobrno, Hlinky 160/12, Brno
Slavnosti tuřanského zelí, Brno

Slavnosti tuřanského zelí, Brno

Date of the event:
14.9.2024 09:00
Nádvoří radnice, Tuřanské nám. 84/1, Brno
Sokol-Česká obec sokolská - Noc sokoloven

Sokol-Česká obec sokolská - Noc sokoloven

Date of the event:
28.9.2024 17:00
Čechy a Morava
Expozice nové hudby, Brno

Expozice nové hudby, Brno

Date of the event:
13.10.2024 - 19.10.2024
Janáček Brno

Janáček Brno

Music and Theater Festival
Date of the event:
1.11.2024 - 24.11.2024


Brno - pocket guide with maps

Brno on the map

The Cathedral of St. Paul and Peter Paul during the popular fi reworks festival – Ignis Brunensis
An aerial view of Špilberk shows its massive fortifi cations.
The Cistercian monastery was founded in 1323 by the Czech and Polish Queen Elisabeth Richeza.
View from the tower of the Old Town Hall on Špilberk Castle and the Church of St. Michael
Spring stroll in the park under Špilberk
At the Brno Exhibition Center, a special tour takes place every month for those interested in the history and development of the Center.